
I study migration, demography, and the far-reaching consequences of U.S. immigration law. Specifically, I pay attention to the spatial variation of immigration court processes and decisions in new immigrant destinations. My recent dissertation focused on courts in the Upper Midwest, focusing on how they manage and adjudicate their growing backlog of cases. A sociologist and demographer, I’m also interested in internal migration patterns in the metro and non-metro Midwest.

My work has appeared in Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences (PNAS), Law & Social Inquiry, PLOS One, Migration Policy Institute, Border Criminologies, Albany Law Review, MinnPost, and the Companion to Urban and Regional Studies. To learn more about my research, click here. See here to read about the Mapping Immigration Court project.

I’m an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Law & Society at Kenyon College. I received my PhD in Sociology at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. I am also a recent demography trainee at the Minnesota Population Center. For an up-to-date CV, please see the download link in the menu.

For inquiries, email me or DM me on Twitter.